Biotechnology and Innovation
24 October 2023
Auditorium Confindustria Bergamo
Via Stezzano 87, Bergamo, Italy

About the Event
BioTopics23 will center around the immense potential of biotechnology as a pivotal instrument for driving sustainable innovation.
The event will showcase the most recent trends and advancements in biotechnology, highlighting how they can be successfully applied to promote sustainable innovation in different industrial sectors. Moreover, we are honored to feature firsthand accounts from enterprises that have already integrated biotech initiatives into their operations.
Concrete examples will provide a practical and inspiring perspective on how biotechnology can transform businesses, promoting efficiency, sustainability, and competitiveness.
The event has two sessions, the first reserved for students, focused on education and dissemination. While the second session, from 10:00, is addressed for businesses.
Educational Session (Reserved for Students)
08:30 AM – Welcome & Introduction, Dr. Giacomo Ghilardi, COO BGreen Technologies S.r.l.
08:40 AM – Biotech Perspectives, Dr. Stefano Bertacchi, EU Bioeconomy Youth Ambassador
09:30 AM – Coffee Break
10:00 AM – Tour Lab: BGreen Lab, Mario Negri Institute, Albini_next, JOiiNT LAB
Business Session
10:00 AM – Registration & Welcome Coffee
10:30 AM – Institutional greetings by Confindustria Bergamo
10:50 AM – Biotechnology and Innovation, Dr. Stefano Bertacchi, EU Bioeconomy Youth Ambassador
11:20 AM – Open Innovation: Biopharmaceutical-inspired industrial case
Presentation of the joint venture between Tofflon, a leading Asian giant in the pharmaceutical sector and Itema, Italian multinational leading provider of weaving machinery and integrated solutions.
- Dr. Ugo Ghilardi, CEO of Itema Group
- Dr. Michael Chang, Senior Vice President of Tofflon Europe
- Moderator: Prof. Giuseppe Tomasso, Chief of the Industrial Automation Lab, University of Cassino
12:00 PM – Roundtable Discussion: Open and Sustainable Innovation in the Industrial Applications
- Prof. Giuseppe Tomasso, Chief of the Industrial Automation Lab, University of Cassino
- Dr. Stefano Bertacchi, EU Bioeconomy Youth Ambassador
- Dr. Ugo Ghilardi, President of Tofflon Itema Srl
- Prof. Marco Taisch, President of MICS – Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile
- Moderator: Dr. Giacomo Ghilardi, COO of BGreen Technologies
1:00 PM – Business Lunch, Networking & Lab Tour
Meet the Speakers
Our bench of speakers is multi-disciplinary and includes some well-established and successful professionals who will guide us through several key aspects of the ecological transition. Join the event and take a step closer to being an expert.
Watch the streaming!
Sponsors & Partners
We warmly thank all our Partners for helping us to make this second edition of BioTopics truly special!